What Makes an Effective Paradox Navigator?
Paradox Navigator is a competency domain new to the latest round of HRCS research.
What Makes an Effective Paradox Navigator?

Tensions are inherent in every organization: global vs. local, long-term vs. short-term, top-down vs. bottom-up, freedom vs. control. These sorts of contradictory choices come up all the time. Being an effective paradox navigator means recognizing that the answer isn’t either/or. It’s always both/and. Navigating paradox means developing the ability to live in duality and approach each decision with an appreciation for complexity.
In a world of change and volatility, it’s more important than ever for HR professionals to learn how to navigate paradox in their organizations. Paradox Navigator is one of nine competencies essential to effective HR. Learn more about the other competencies here. If you’re interested in evaluating how your HR professionals measure up in these areas, click here.