Building human capability that delivers stakeholder value.
Ground-breaking research and high impact solutions that link human capability interventions with stakeholder value.
— David D., Global Consumer Product CompanyI have worked with many consulting firms that come in with a solution and force-fit that solution into the company. With RBL, you will jointly create a solution that fits the culture, strategy, and personality of the organization.
Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood are global leaders in helping organizations build human capability that delivers business results. Together, they have authored over 30 books, published hundreds of articles in leading magazines, and helped dozens of organizations cultivate and develop the talent necessary for the skills they need to make a difference. Their unique perspectives and globally recognized research inform everything we do.
About us
Identify and design the capabilities that drive your business and create distinctiveness with customers and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Build leadership capability that ensures leaders at every level get the right results the right way.

Enable leaders to develop and coach people to increase their competence, ensure engagement, and discover meaning in their work.

Develop HR professionals with an outside-in perspective and the tools to add value and build human capability.