Strategic HR Development

Build HR professionals with the competencies to connect HR with business strategy and impact results.

In the face of increasing complexity, business leaders need agile, business-focused HR partners to help them lead the business. RBL’s flexible HR development opportunities build HR professionals with an outside-in perspective and the tools to add value.

Connect HR with business results.

Too often businesses experience a disconnect between the functions of HR and the purposes of the overall business. As a result, HR becomes an underutilized resource for strategic impact within organizations.

Many organizations recognize HR as a strictly functional role, which is an antiquated idea that fails to recognize decades of research demonstrating the impact HR has on business value and relevance. With that perspective firmly in place, many struggle to fully transform their ideology leaving HR professionals in need of support to develop the ability to impact the business.

Customize HR development to your needs.

RBL is eager to put our research and world-class strategic HR development content to work in your organization. Our programs deliver ideas with impact as we work with you to identify the learning and development opportunities (programs, assessments and coaching) that will develop your team based on your unique needs.

Our research shows that HR departments and professionals have the potential to positively impact the experience for all stakeholders. Leveraging that research, RBL has created HR Development offerings to suit a variety of needs.

Whether in-person, virtual, or blended programs, we customize practical learning experiences for your people and deliver them in engaging ways:

Dave Ulrich HR Academy

A results-based guided learning journey for developing HR that creates value from the outside in and delivers business impact. 

Talent Academy

A results-based guided learning journey that helps leaders develop the skills to build talent and human capability that delivers greater business impact. 

Reinventing the Organization Academy

A powerful, results-based guided learning journey that helps senior business leaders build agile, adaptive organizations oriented around market needs. 

Accelerated HR Business Partner Bootcamp

An in-person or highly-interactive virtual customizable, skill-building program that builds business partnering skills for HR professionals throughout the organization.


An intensive team-based learning consortium for senior-level and high-potential HR professionals from leading global companies.

RBL Institute

A senior executive think tank for organizations committed to using HR to create, deliver, and capture value for all stakeholders.

Assessment & Coaching

RBL has research-based HR Competency 360 and psychometric assessments to evaluate individual strengths and identify personalized areas for opportunity and growth.

Based on the results of the assessments, participants work with coaches to create and revise an Individual Development Plan that identifies experiential learning opportunities, provides a blueprint for meeting their goals, and helps participants apply classroom material to their individual work when used as part of a broader development program. 

Start with the end in mind.

Achieving the results you need starts with knowing what results you need to deliver or support the most. We know there is no one-size-fits-all solution to developing HR professionals and will work with you to craft the right solution for your specific needs.

Unsure where to start? Reach out to connect or explore some of the results our past clients have reported from their work with RBL:

Regardless of where your business is now, The RBL Group has the experience and tools to facilitate lasting transformation through strategic partnering skills that enable HR to deliver the value that matters for you.