HR Competency 360 Assessment

Our HR Competency 360 assessment can help you prepare for HR's expanding role.

Based on the largest and most empirical global study on HR competencies, the HR Competency 360 assessment identifies strengths and opportunities for development for HR professionals. By measuring individuals against a large, global benchmark and providing the perspective of managers, non-HR business leaders, and peers, HR professionals gain valuable insight into how they can grow and best deliver value to the business.

Without stakeholder perspective, it’s hard to assess the true value of HR.

Today’s HR professionals are committed to contributing to business success. But they need feedback from stakeholders throughout the business to understand how they can improve and better meet business needs. 

A 360 view helps HR leaders focus on the essential skills.

The HR Competency Study conducted by RBL and the University of Michigan is the gold standard for understanding the necessary HR skills and practices that impact performance. Combining data from over 30,000 respondents, the study identifies what your HR professionals need to know, be, and do. Based on the study, our HR Competency assessment tools provide critical feedback and an aggregate perspective on the proficiency level of your organization. With the ability to look at manager, HR respondents, and non-HR respondent feedback, the assessment helps pinpoint opportunities for upgrading competencies to better respond to business needs.

Customize your assessment for the right level of feedback.

The HR Competency assessment is available as a 360, 180, or self-assessment.

Focus on the feedback that matters.

Strengths that strengthen and weaknesses that matter are where HR professionals must focus their attention for the greatest impact on results. HR Competency assessment reports include macro- and micro-level analysis, a summary of the most and least positive items, and written comments from raters.  RBL can provide a debrief and insights into the assessment results as well as help with establishing an individual development plan based on the results.

Request a free 360 sample report
